Participation of FE.P.I.B. in the Documentary "In the Roar of the World: The Feminist Movement in Greece, 19th-21st Century"

The documentary Sti voui tou kosmou: To feministiko kinima stin Ellada, 19os-21os aionas [In the Roar of the World: The Feminist Movement in Greece, 19th-21st Century] traces the history of the feminist movement in Greece from the 19

Presentation at the international conference “Political Socialization in East Central Europe”

On October 19, 2023, Gabriela Dudeková Kováčová, member of the research team, presented a paper at the international conference “Political Socialization in East Central Europe” organized by the Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava (…

The FEPIB Project at Innodays 2023

The University of Crete Research Center for the Humanities, the Social and Education Sciences (UCRC) had the opportunity to present innovative research projects and activities carried in its Labs, during the Innodays 2023, a three-day exposition on Innovation in…

Panel at the International Conference “A New-Old Neighbor: The Turkish Republic and the Balkans”

A panel entitled "Feminist Politics in the Balkans: Representations of the Turkish Republic and the 'New Turkish Women' in the Interwar Feminist Periodicals", organized by Katerina Dalakoura, Principal Investigator of the FE.P.I.B. project, was presented at the…

Presentation at the conference "Issues of Research Methodology in Social Sciences"

Eleftheria Papastefanaki, member of the research team of the FE.P.I.B. program, presented the paper entitled “Greek Socialist Women and 'Bourgeois Feminism': An Ambiguous Relationship” [Ο Ελληνίδες σοσιαλίστριες και ο «αστικός φεμινισμός»: Μια αμφίσημη σχέση], at the…

Panel at the International Symposium “The International Symposium on the Centenary of the Turkish Republic: Women of the Republic / The Republic of Women”

A panel entitled “Turkish Republic, Women and Interwar Balkan Politics through the Lences of Womens Periodicals”, organized by Krassimira Daskalova, member of the FE.P.I.B. project, was presented at the International Symposium entitled “The International Symposium on…

Presentation at the international conference “Ženy v tieni dejín II“

On April 5, 2022, Gabriela Dudeková Kováčová, member of the research team, presented a paper at the international conference “Ženy v tieni dejín II.“ [Women in the shadow of History] organized by the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (Slovakia). Title of…

Seminar: Feminism and Politics in the Interwar Period

Department of History - Archaeology, University of Crete, Greece
Academic year 2022-2023, Easter Semester
Faculty: Katerina Dalakoura, Associate Professor

The aim of the seminar was the undergraduate students to be familiar with the history of…