A panel entitled "Feminist Politics in the Balkans: Representations of the Turkish Republic and the 'New Turkish Women' in the Interwar Feminist Periodicals", organized by Katerina Dalakoura, Principal Investigator of the FE.P.I.B. project, will be presented at the international conference A NEW-OLD NEIGHBOR: THE TURKISH REPUBLIC AND THE BALKANS, organized by the Department of Political Science and History, Panteion University, and held in Athens on 23-25 November 2023). The panel members, Katerina Dalakoura, Krassimira Daskalova, member of the FE.P.I.B. research team, and Valentina Mitkova, associate member, will present the following papers:
1 “Turkey and Turkish Feminists in the Balkan Interwar Collaborations: Representations in the Greek Feminist Periodicals” (by Katerina Dalakoura, Associate Professor, University of Crete)
2. “Feminisms and Tensions within the Interwar Balkan Women’s Movements, 1920s-1930s” (by Krassimira Daskalova, Professor, St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia)
3. The “New-old” Neighbour through the Prism of the Women’s Question: Turkish Women’s Emancipation in Relation to the Aspirations and Struggles of Bulgarian Feminists between the Two World Wars (By Valentina Mitkova, Associate Professor, St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia).