Event date(s)
Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης, Πανεπιστημιούπολη Γάλλου, Ρέθυμνο

The FE.P.I.B. project organizes the International Conference "Feminisms and Politics in Interwar Balkans and East - Central Europe", which will take place on-site, at University of Crete, Campus of Gallos, Rethymno, November 28-30, 2024.

The Conference aims to explore feminist movements in the region of Balkans and East - Central Europe in the uneasy interwar historical context, placing emphasis on transnational contacts and collaborations of feminist and women’s organizations, the entanglement of their activity with politics and diplomacy at regional and international scale, and the tensions emerged between national and international agendas.

The Conference welcomes individual submissions from senior and junior scholars and academics, doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers for 20-minute presentations, as well as full panel submissions consisting of 3 to 4 presentations (20 minutes each), by June 30, 2024.